閲覧ありがとうございます♡ Thank u for interest.
音楽で遊ぶことが好き I love music.
〔Name:〕point of view
〔Music genre:〕洋楽,ROCK,JPOP,KPOP,HIPHOP,R&B,Classic,ボカロ,アニソン。
I listen to all kinds of music! I'm also updating the songs I can play on a daily basis♪
〔Live〕ツイキャス不定期 TwitterCAS irregular (大体16:00〜配信STARTです。)
I've been posting pictures on my Instagram, so come check it out!
〔Note〕文章書いてます‼︎ I'm writing a text.
I enjoy working at my own pace. I'm making fun music with the goal of performing live in real world.
Thanks for all the likes and follows! I'd love it if you'd say something when you follow me‼︎
Thank you reading♪ by point of view