
20↑ // 雑多、雑食 // 普通の社畜です// 無言フォロー失礼します
hpmi:💛💜 // mhyk:北、東中心にみんな好き
Do not follow/interact if you're under-20 or have blacklists
Do not follow for translations


Hi, I'm Ena.
I use my acc to follow cute things, surreal/dumb gags, fan content, absurd shitposts, personal ramblings.
I do RT/like R-18 stuffs so please don't interact/follow me if you are under 20.
I tweet for entertainment purposes so don't expect anything proper/serious.
I'm not interested in political and fandom discourse on social media, please do not involve me.
I'm not terminally online and really don't care. I'm just here to relax. Stop bothering me, go touch grass.
I will RT anything as well as mention spoilers and not tag it.
>>>Please do not follow if you have any blacklist.<<<

I liberally use block chains so do not ask me why you are blocked, I don't know either. Just go to tumblr for my translations. The only ones not there are informal tls.
Do not repost nor rephrase/retranslate nor sell my tweets or translations.
Also because people are idiots and actually did this to others: do not send them to official account/staff.
And stop asking to use my translations to subtitle and repost paid content.
Please have common sense and fandom etiquette, use your brain instead of ruining it for everyone.

I am the type that likes everyone but have teams/characters that I am extra fond of.
I'm really fond of non-romantic interactions where everyone gets to be happy.
I rarely like ships unless there are mutual visible fond simping that people in-universe can see.
I like official content & characterisation only. Not fond of OOC or extensive headcanons/theories.
I don't care about overreading into things, I care more about enjoying the magic & adventure experience
I play/read in original language where possible and do not consider tls as source text due to tler liberty.
I tweet about MCs in the gender I see from my game/official content. They're still both MC to me, same person, AU for each player. Don't bother me with your internalised misogyny, trauma, self-loathing.

Main interests but not limited to these (order not fixed):
☆ Hypmic: Fling Posse, Bad Ass Temple (Gentaro, Jyushi)
☆ Ameyume, Ichikuu, RiouDice, JyutoDoppo, Jyushi & Saburo chuuni friends

☆ Mahoyaku: Eastern Country, Northern Country (Owen, Faust)
☆ Chlowen, MithAki, BradFau, OweAki, MithFau, CainHeath, RustiBrad

☆ HSR: Mostly like the game as an adventure (thanks plot holes) and characters as they are, not in ship.
HSR ships just don't do it for me, only fam & friends. Only ships I like: MarchStelle, AvenStelle.

☆ Also a casual Pokemon and Nintendo player. Will RT/like contents from these series.

Always happy to chat even if I'm not good with words and am perpetually too tired from IRL


プロフ更新日2024/12/02 00:43 プロフ作成日2022/05/04 15:57
API更新日2025/03/07 11:56 API更新予定2025/03/07 12:56