Sarah | 33 | English/日本語 (ほとんどは英語でつぶやく)
This is my main twitter acct for general yelling about all kinds of things. You'll see some livetweeting every once in a while, but I try to be careful about spoilers here. I can and do also write massive essays on things, I sure do love me some meta. Lots of daily life shenanigans too.
I tend to be very opinionated or bitter about some things, even more so if I've been in a fandom for years, but I also love discussion and hearing various viewpoints so even if we don't agree on (ultimately inconsequential) things I don't really mind as long as Respect, Yo.
I try to tag triggers when they appear but it may sometimes slip my mind (and I don't usually retweet much of that nature anyway). Feel free to mute/unfollow/softblock at your leisure.
Other Twitter Accounts that are actually getting used atm:
@IridiaSelen (FFXIV main)
@nanashinokizuna (mahoyaku livetweeting)
Other links:
Main Tumblr:
New Tumblr:
Characters and ships below (characters are just the ones that show up most often, and only in fandoms or series I'm more passionate about). Hearts can be romantic, Diamonds are almost always not. Ships with an asterisk are my main focus. I also don’t care much about ship order; I only list one name for ease’s sake.
Characters: Riku, Iori, Yamato, Torao
There's a lot of ✦ ships
(i7 has the dubious distinction of having ships I actively dislike. I usually won't talk about them publicly, but if you're curious you're more than welcome to ask.)
-Mahoutsukai no Yakusoku
Characters: Arthur, Oz, Cain, Owen
✦North Fam*
(mhyk also has ships I just genuinely dislike for any number of reasons. Same rules as above.)
-Ace Attorney
Characters: Apollo, Ryuunosuke, Sherlock
✦the whole WAA*
✦the whole Baker Street family
-Kingdom Hearts
Characters: Sora, Roxas, Leon, Young Xehanort
-Tales of series (Primarily Abyss, Zestiria, Graces, and Rays)
Characters: Luke, Asch, Jade, Sorey, Mikleo, Asbel, Ix
-Ys series
Characters: Adol, Geiss, Credo, Dogi
-Final Fantasy
Characters: Squall, Cloud, Rinoa, Tifa, Emet-Selch
Characters: Kaito, Shinichi, Heiji, Hakuba
✦Kaito&Shinichi* (I'm a M27 Truther. I've Wanted This For Years)
✦3/4 Gumi
And more! Which I am far too lazy to list here.