
Main story spoilers tagged #HSRspoilers. Credit appreciated. Read link 👇


Hi, my name is Hai. This is for HSR GIFs. I use photoshop.

REUPLOADING OK. Please credit if possible.
Please do not remove/edit the watermark.

No leaks.

This is a good tutorial, if you need it: https://twitter.com/jujutsugif/status/1311366820243349504

To download GIFs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10dfHrdRY2gpNoHFtkwAwmW3pm5ZP6mHH?usp=sharing

To find GIFs of specific characters: https://rentry.org/gifhonkai


プロフ更新日2024/01/24 13:32 プロフ作成日2023/05/31 05:51
API更新日2024/05/10 19:04 API更新予定2024/05/10 20:04