
33♀腐夢|雑食 |ENG&日本語OK❤︎アイナナ(ナギ推し)❤︎まほやく(ファウスト推し) ❤︎ FFXIV (ウリエンジェ大好き)


Danielle/Dani | 29歳 | ♀| English&日本語 | うるさくほど英語をつぶやいてごめんなさい💦💦特に推しについて本当にうるさくになりますww フォローするなら、その時遠慮なくミュートしてください😅


アニメやゲームすごく好きです。特にアイドルです!(そしてヒロアカァァァァァ)BL/GL/男女/全部好きです。半分は腐女子半分は夢女子ww 直接(イベントとか)ちょっと無口ですけど、私の日本語自信がないからです😭聞くスキル>>>しゃべるスキルww💦でも、本当に友達になりたいです!💕よろしくお願いします!




アイナナ: ナギ (蕎麦ゴラ)
SideM: 道夫P&薫P (SEM&ドラスタ)
ヒプマイ: 独歩 (でも新宿と池袋箱推しです)
あんスタ: 千秋P&忍P (流星隊P)
A3!: 左京/太一 (秋組)
Bプロ: 帝人 (MooNs)
夢キャス: 伊織
刀剣乱舞: 博多(そして粟田口の皆) /山姥切/巴形/長谷部
オトメ勇者: クロービス (そしてイクサとゼクウ)
グラブル: アルタイル (ヴェインとパーさんも好き)
ヒロアカ: 飯田兄弟推し
風花雪月: 青獅子(ディミトリ/ディミレス)

Now for an English introduction! Most of you know me already lol but I'm Danielle! I'm American and was born in California but currently I'm living in Tokyo, Japan! Riku Nanase's house is TECHNICALLY within walking distance LOL \o/✨

I DO understand Japanese but my listening and reading levels are a bit higher than my speaking/writing level so I tend to be really slow replying orz;;

I love anime, manga, games, and collecting merch orz;; my big thing right now is most definitely idols, particularly i7 and SideM tho I LOVE A3, and Hypmic as well even tho they're technically not part of the "idol" genre. Also Granblue has taken over my soul ever since I found out Altair exists.

Though right now I'm eyeballs deep in Mahoyaku so I apologize for the neverending spam LOL I don't think I'm going to stop anytime soon.

When new shit comes out about my oshis(my main 4 right now being Nagi/Michio/Doppo/Faust) I literally do not shut up so feel free to mute when that happens LMFAO

But since my oshi list is in Japanese I'll put it here in English too:

IDOLiSH7: Nagi (and Pythag/Sobagoras)
SideM: MichioP (SEM-P) (also Kaoru/Dramatic Stars lol)
Hypmic: Doppo (but I adore Shinjuku/Ikebukuro as a whole too)
Enstars: ChiakiP/ShinobuP/ShuP (Ryuuseitai/ValkyrieP)
A3!: Sakyo (and Akigumi)
B-Pro: Mikado (and MooNs)
Yumecast: Iori
Touken Ranbu: Hakata (and basically all of Awataguchi)/Yamanbagiri/Tomoegata/Hasebe
Otome Yusha: CLOVIS (also Ixa and Zekuu)
Granblue: Altair (also Vane is a good boy and Percy actually sets me on fire)
HeroAca: Iida Tenya (I adore the Iida siblings as a whole too)
Haikyuu: Oikawa and Kageyama (I ❤︎ Seijoh/Karasuno/Nekoma p evenly tho)
Kurobas: Kuroko and Midorima (Seirin forever tho)
Fire Emblem: Blue Lions (Dimitri makes me cry)
Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons: Rick, Ford, Gill, Juris/Ivan, Raeger
Mahoyaku: mmmmMMMMLOVE FAUST I LOVE FAUST tho I also adore the Eastern wizards as a whole too.......(Heath and Chloe are my sons)

other series I like: (to be updated)

Tales of (Destiny forever and also Zestiria/Graces) (if you hate Zesty we can't be friends)
Ace Attorney (Apollo Justice will always be my fave)
Dragon Age
Mass Effect

also as a final note, I'm a firm believer in "all ships are valid." I might not like them or think they're squicky but it's literally none of my business what other people ship and it won't affect friendships or how I think of you. If that doesn't jive with you, then the unfollow or the back button is right there. We're all just making dolls kiss in the sandbox here, let's have fun together.


プロフ更新日2021/01/14 14:08 プロフ作成日2017/09/03 01:34
API更新日2024/11/24 15:46 API更新予定2024/11/24 16:46