
( lily ) I { cis she/they } I { self dx autistic & adhd } { 🔞 adults only } { 腐女子 } I ( time keeps ticking ) I { author } I { ♍♎♐ } I { rep'd by: }


♡ lily
♡ august 27, 1987
♡ ♍ | fire rabbit
♡ intj
♡ hispanic-american
♡ arizona, usa
♡ eng only
♡ i love my boyfriend ♡
✧ current fandoms: osomatsu-san (blmatsu included), jojo's bizarre adventure, one piece, love live!, ace attorney, etc (just ask) ✧
✧ if you want us to be mutuals, don't just rt and like; talk to me! ✧
✧ i'll softblock if it seems like we don't talk to each other anymore ✧
✧ free followers: why? ✧
✧ if you're planning to unfollow me, please softblock me so i know *for sure* it's not an accident. it's okay if you unfollow me - i hope things get better for you!

hi, i'm lily! nice to meet you! when i'm active, i'm active. i rt a lot of things that i like. if you really don't like what i like, please either deal with it or don't bother to follow me. i can tolerate most things myself though there's some content i really don't want to see (just ask).

i'm actually pretty shy but feel free to talk to me! i really do like talking to people - i just usually don't know what to say.

my hobbies include: writing, drawing, talking about headcanons, sleeping, eating, playing games, watching anime, reading manga, shitposting, and much more.

my tweets are usually not that serious (i tend to be kind of blunt) with nsfw talk sprinkled in the mix so if you're uncomfortable with that, my guy, it's best to avoid me.

i tend to tweet when i'm anxious or my clinical depression is acting up so please excuse me as i let it out. please don't think bad of me.

important accounts:
✧ @advancedbaka this is my private twitter. full of rants, vents, tmi. *please do not request to follow*
✧ @expertbaka this is my live tweet and/or jailed account. there a lot of spoilers around this twitter so follow with caution!
✧ @nendoroidcuties this is the official twitter for my nendoroid cuties blog. any and all nendoroid cuties blogs will be tweeted here.
✧ @lmc_hudson a writing twitter for if and when i publish a book (online or otherwise). also, my writing blog posts will be posted here to.
✧ @jyushiminaj my nsfw twitter. please be 18+ to follow and partake.
✧ @tokyosparkles my art/fic twitter. used to be an old live tweet account but i just decided to keep it since i like the username too much.

see me outside:
✧ school idol tomodachi: http://schoolido.lu/user/mahoushoujo/
✧ about.me: http://about.me/mahoushoujo
✧ listography (for everything else): http://listography.com/sunnydust


プロフ更新日2016/09/14 12:22 プロフ作成日2015/12/31 08:51
API更新日2024/05/01 15:11 API更新予定2024/05/01 16:11