
お題に沿ってゆるゆるまったりと主2(MC2)愛され(×主2)ファンアートをかいて楽しむ企画です。日本語・英語のみ。最新情報はツイートをご確認ください♪ 【初めての方】固定ツイとこちら必読⇒ https://t.co/Io8H2jeBdp





お題に沿ってわんどろして頂いたお作品、挑戦したお題、お名前の公表○×(○の場合はお名前の入力)、他コメント等 をこのアカウントへDMしてください♪

名前公開 ○:わんどろ部
コメント: XXとMC2です。楽しく参加させていただきました!


「1H Drawと銘打っていますが1H Writingも勿論大歓迎です!お気軽にご参加ください」

【MC2 loved 1H Draw (1H Writing) Project】

This project was originally a personal project that was enjoyed in detail by friends and followers who liked MC2 Loved ones, but when we made the guidelines into images so that anyone could feel free to participate, unexpectedly many people participated, and we were very grateful and happy to see that so many people participated. I've been looking at your work ☺️
However, the project was originally a loose plan and we did not have detailed guidelines, and there was no place to answer any questions.

However, we will keep the idea that "anyone who wants to participate in 1H draw but does not know the detailed rules" and "anyone can freely enjoy MC2 Loved 1H draw(1H writing) whenever they want", which is the reason why this project was started, and we will continue to work with everyone who loves MC2 Loved. We want to have fun together ✨
We are sorry that this is a limited time project, but thank you in advance for your cooperation!

This MC2 Loved 1h Draw project account is accepting your work submissions via DM for those of you who think "I'd like to try the project too, but I'm worried about tweeting with my account set to public...".The application process is very simple!
Please send a DM to this account with your work attached, your name (include a name or handle that can be made public, if you have one, or don't if you prefer to keep it private), the theme you tried, and any comments you are willing to tweet with it.
Even in the case of anonymity, of course, the copyright of the work remains with the person who contributed it. Please refrain from re-submitting the works!

DM example)
Theme : Kiss on the cheek
Name : 1h Draw Club
Comment : XX and MC2. I enjoyed participating in this event!

Q: Is dream (me) x MC2 or crossover ok?

A:In order to avoid confusion, please create fan art that is basically a Housamo character x MC2 (your fantasy, and headcanons are welcome)
Please have fun drawing the relationship between your guild♪

Q:1H draw (writing (text) as well as drawings are allowed to participate?
A:We call it 1H Draw, but of course 1H Writing is also welcome! Please feel free to join us


プロフ更新日2022/03/20 18:31 プロフ作成日2022/03/03 23:29
API更新日2024/05/09 20:45 API更新予定2024/05/09 21:45