
🇮🇩 ◆ 20+◆fanart, OC, pixel art, shitposting◆ 🦚@mostdeep_games 🔥◆
☕: https://t.co/6N3fRzrUME
🎨: https://t.co/At8eKHEm1Z
📧: kamocapellini@gmail.com





Pasta, I'm from Indonesia. I mainly post my fanart/pixel art here but also original too

I mainly lurk in Megami tensei fandom (Includes persona), Gundam, and GYEE


I'm not a native english speaker
I'm sorry if there's a grammar error on my words

🚫Please do not tag/mention/@ me with other people/people's post
🚫Please do not tag/mention/@ other people in my post
I have my own personal reason for this, I'm sorry :(

🚫Do not repost my drawings without permission (in all platforms)
🚫Do not use my drawings as PFP/header without permission
I don't wanna have people mistake other account for me, sorry :(
⚠️If you want to use my drawing as pfp/header, please ask me first

🚫If I caught you stealing/impersonating me, I will fucking whoop your ass

⚠️If you block me, I will block back so I could get "this is the person who blocked you" mark

I don't feel like appearing to people who blocked me, that's why

-Strange Journey (ストレンジジャーニー) (not DSJ/Redux)
-Persona 2(ペルソナ2罪・罰)
-Persona 3(ペルソナ3)
-Persona 5(ペルソナ5)
-Digital Devil Saga/DDSAT(アバチュー)

💮JoJo's Bizarre Adventure/ジョジョ
💮Anything Deep Sea Prisoner/海底囚人・モゲコ
💮Ace Attorney/逆転裁判
💮Pop Team Epic/ポプテピピック
💮Gundam/ガンダム (mainly universal century)
💮Sengoku Basara/戦国BASARA
💮Legend of the blue wolves/蒼き狼たちの伝説

Currently developing an indie game
[Karuma and the Falling Moon] (RPG Maker VX Ace)
Dev Tag : #KarumaPasta


⚠️CP腐向け/OTP and Ships⚠️

腐向け --> @Kamonabe_Sutra
(*Sometimes R18 Content/エロアカウント)

👉Other link :

Tumblr : duckpasta-kamonabe.tumblr.com
Pixiv : pixiv.net/member.php?id=6875333
Artstation : artstation.com/florenciaaa
Deviantart : deviantart.com/duckpasta (⚠️Rarely updated!)
(*I have facebook too but it's private)

Jimenezbot : @Jimenez_bot (A.ka Out of context strange journey)
Portfolio : @Capellini_Flo (Portfolio, does not respond/reply)
Private : @/Foi*gras_N*be (Only approves several people)


プロフ更新日2020/05/10 18:16 プロフ作成日2018/05/19 01:19
API更新日2024/04/21 01:21 API更新予定2024/04/21 02:21