
my smile will bring... Three ☆ Thousand ☆ Years ☆ Peace ✌️ | pup-ship (🐶) free zone. | dms always open 🏳️‍🌈 | pride + thief


be forewarned, i never shut up!! its okay to mass rt / like from me. mutuals please hard block to break mutuals.

ed 🔮 he/him 19 (9.10.000)🏳️‍🌈

prideship hell

cc: https://curiouscat.me/kaibaland
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/humanyubel/pseuds/shadowgamed
this crush: https://www.thiscrush.net/~shadowgamed

BYF / DFI ---

occasionally nsfw tweets

prideship central babey. this user hates puppyshipping (jou x seto).

i dont follow back if you:
- dont have your name / age / pronouns somewhere on your page
- you ship puppyship

i block incest / pedophillia supporters / shippers

my dms are OPEN. if i dont follow back dont take it too seriously. im here to make friends...

if i dont want you following me ill block you (this goes for strangers)

i have very bad experiences with puzzle/blindshipping and im very critical of the ship.

send me asks on curiouscat if you want to talk to me anonymously / send in anon fic prompts. reqs are open.


my ship preferences are prideship/timeship (atem/yami yugi x kaiba seto), wishship (mutou yugi x jounouchi katsuya), peachship (mutou yugi x mazaki anzu), endureship (mazaki anzu x mutou yugi x jounouchi katsuya) - ship name coined by twitter user @Eat2Cards, crystalship/stageship (mana/black magician girl x mazaki anzu),thiefship (yami bakura x malik ishtar), angstship (bakura ryou x malik ishtar), deathship (bakura ryou x yami malik), visionship (isis ishtar x kujaku mai) any other ships are secondary really.

HCS ---

i hc yugi as a bi trans man. i personally hc seto as a gay nb trans man. i stand by genderfluid mokuba until the day i die. gay malik and trans man bakura ryou. and obviously gay, very much gnc atem.


プロフ更新日2019/11/09 02:00 プロフ作成日2019/09/23 15:54
API更新日2025/03/11 05:25 API更新予定2025/03/11 06:25