

2件の検索結果が見つかりました。 (1 / 1ページ)
@bonpapamick bonpapamick
English first, briefly. Thanks for your interest. Follow and unfollow me as you like. I don't make it a rule to follow back; will do only when I'd like to. My unfollowing you does not mean I dislike you; I often do so to clean up my time line. My main interest is in table tennis -- men and women -- and women's volleyball. No politics, religions or obscene stuff, please. Twitter,...
@murockyou えぷと@12月DBHオンリー【南3-G16b】既刊&新作グッズ有、1月大阪も参加・BH6アンソロ寄稿
名前→ えぷと Name in ENG : Eputo If you would like to send me a message, in any language, no matter how short, I would be very happy❤ ・二次創作絵や漫画をしばしば描くタイプの二次元オタク ・ゲームだいすき(キャラ萌え勢) ・男性キャラクター同士が必要以上に仲良くしているのが好き / I tend to prefer boys' love. ・サークル【へこめ!鳩尾…。】名義で二次創作漫画同人誌のイベントに出展し...