
@wormoffstring_ 's Dr. STONE account | 18↑ | ⚠️not spoiler free/ネタバレ注意⚠️ | 💖pfp by @MangoStoone💖 | Check out my twtpf⤵️



春と申します!読み方は「はる」、「しゅん」、「てる」...どれでも全然OKっす😊 乙女心が女性より激しいが、男の子です。よろしくお願いします🙏‼️

このアカウントはドクターストーンのことしか呟きません。メインは @BlueSword7878の方で、モブサイコ100やヒプマイのことを描いたり話したりします。千空とゲン、コハクとアマリリス、スタンリーとゼノ、杠と大樹のペアが好きです。一番好きなキャラクターはゲン、フランソワ、杠、ニッキーとスイカです。

ウザいです‼️ペラペラペラペラ何時間も口を動かせるので注意してください。ミュートボタンを押しても一切構いません、むしろ自分から押した方がいいですよ!と忠告します💦 時々普段と違ってる自分風のキャラデザインを描いています。日本側の友達が少ない(いない😢)ので普段英語で呟いていますし、日本のインターネット礼儀などにあまり詳しくありません...何かを間違えたらぜひ知らせてください!あと、まだ未成年なのもありますが...R18は苦手なほうなので絶対に送らないでください。


English version

//Before you proceed!!! I am honestly quite upset that I need to say this because this should be common knowledge but... I will stress that I AM VERY UNCOMFORTABLE WITH SHIPS THAT SHIP MINORS AND ADULTS, SIBLINGS, ARE ABUSIVE ETC. If you find these kind of contents pleasing, nice or do not find anything wrong with creating and spreading such content I respectfully ask you not to interact with me as my stuff is not for you. Thank you very, very kindly for understanding 🙇‍♂️💖//

Feel free to call me Worm or Haruki! Sengen, Koharyllis, Stanxeno, Ryukasa and Yuzutai shipper but I have a couple of overlapping and/or rarepair ships myself. Professional Gen, Francois, Yuzuriha, Nikki and Suika enthusiast

I currently go by he/they but if you're my friend and think she/her fits me too, go ahead! Ppl who switch my pronouns around often are so sexy aha 🥺👉👈 I tend to use caps and internet slang very often - I also get very excited easily so pls expect a lot of spamming on my account! Please do not make NSFW jokes (gore, graphic, pornographic... just anything you wouldn't say to like. A child) with me as I am not good at handling it. Don't!! Hesitate!!! To use the mute button on me!!!!!! It exists for a reason and that reason is probably me 💕 I love to talk to new people so please don't be afraid to interact w me! That's it for now, I hope you enjoy my account *^^*


プロフ更新日2022/01/16 00:31 プロフ作成日2021/11/07 03:42
API更新日2025/03/07 10:11 API更新予定2025/03/07 11:11