
一次創作「しんかい竜宮旅記」「ベスティアワールド」「イーターダイアリー」 「逢魔が刻の妖怪幻夜」
⚠︎イラストの転載禁止 / Re-upload is prohibited⚠︎
ヘッダーはおでんさん(@o_den_n )から
サブ垢: @Fz_kazugitune


※必読部分は下の方に記載している「注意事項」の部分になりますので、お急ぎの方はそちらのみをお読みいただいても大丈夫です!/ The required reading part is the "Notes and Licence rule" section at the bottom, so if you are in a hurry, you may read that only!



X: @Fz_kazu220
X(サブ): @Fz_kazugitune
Discord: fz_kazu220
kemonodon: https://kemonodon.club/@Fz_kazu220
Misskey: https://misskey.io/@Fz_kazu220@misskey.anizumin.com
質問箱: https://peing.net/ja/fz_kazu220


・私のイラストをアイコンなどに使用する場合は、御手数ですが必ず私の許可を得た上でプロフィールに私のX IDを記載してください。

Notes and Licence rule:
・All of my works are not allowed for redistribution without my permission.
・I prohibit you from claiming on your own that you have created the work I have published.
・It is strictly forbidden to publish on the Internet any tracing art using my illustrations.
・I would like you to stop using my illustrations for services that use AI learning to generate illustrations, as the terms of use could be abused.
・If you wish to use my work as an icon, etc. please be sure to ask my permission and include my X ID in your profile.
・I prohibit the use of my work as an NFT icon under any circumstances.
・Any use of art published on this account or sub-accounts for NFT is strictly prohibited.
・I will not upload or engage in any NFT-related activities, and I will never use my art for NFT myself.
・I prohibit any manipulation of my work.
・The use of my work for selling is strictly prohibited.
・If you see someone reposting my work without my permission, please contact me. It would be quite helpful if you could re-upload back to me.




プロフ更新日2023/09/21 00:03 プロフ作成日2021/05/08 00:34
API更新日2024/01/02 11:47 API更新予定2024/01/02 12:47