
Age 28
I like papysans way more than I should.
20↑ only, please.


I think this is how you use one of these?
日本語の文法難しい、私の脳は小っぽけので、理解できません。 I want to learn more so I can stop making embarrassing mistakes, like trying to follow a private account that only allows mutuals...

Please let me know if I've done something wrong so I can adjust my behavior in the future. I'm not very good at understanding when something is rude or not, so please help me.

▶ What content you'll find here
○ Exclusively same-universe fontcest pairings
○ Low amount/no ecto
○ Not much of my own art. I'm not good at it, so I won't draw often.
○ Short written prompts (SFW and NSFW, most (but not all) posted as images to find them easier among retweets)
○ Retweets of fontcest art
○ Infrequent (comparatively) little asides/thoughts from my day

▶ What background colors for text posts mean
○ White: SFW
○ Black: NSFW (after dark~)
○ Gray: NSFW elements, but not titillating
○ Pink: Replies

▶ A little about me
I've been a lurker of the Undertale fandom since 2016, and have nobody else to talk to about my freakish obsession with papysans, so I decided to make this account. I'm a chronic lurker online and offline, so I don't know how to make friends anymore, but my replies, mentions and DMs are open!
I'm still a bit shy about sharing these thoughts though, so I'm going to fumble awkwardly.
https://verdanabdit.tumblr.com/ ← I have a Tumblr where I repost the Undertale content of my Twitter. Has a much more robust and accurate tagging system for specifying ship dynamics. Can also send anon asks.
https://archiveofourown.org/users/VerdanaBDIT/pseuds/VerdanaBDIT ← I also repost them on AO3, along with some other stuff that's too long for Twitter.
https://bsky.app/profile/verdanabdit.bsky.social ← And I finally made a bluesky account just in case... I haven't posted there yet, though.

▶ Life policy
Do whatever makes you happy as long as it isn't hurting a real person!
Enjoy whatever, write whatever, draw whatever, ship whatever, eat whatever, fondle whatever.... as long as it's not hurting someone, it should be okay, right?
"Fantasy is not reality" is a good concept to understand and grasp.
If you hate fontcest, please protect yourself by both blocking me and muting the relevant words rather than harassing anyone.

▶ Enjoyed Character Pairings
Any same-universe fontcest. Any. Literally any, even if I've never heard of them. I love all flavors as long as they're brothers.
🍝x🍅, 🌶️x🌭, 🫐x🍯, 🍇x💸, 🍷x☕️, I don't know the names/emojis for any others... Horror, Lust, Outer, G...
In terms of dynamic, I vastly prefer the energetic brother to be in control, but that preference has varying intensity depending on the AU.
My favorite fluctuates, but I think I'll always come home to classic.
I don't consider pairings that cross over AUs to be fontcest, since they are not brothers, but it's not like I can stop anyone from using the term that way.

▶ Disliked Character Pairings
Anything involving one of the skeleton brothers that isn't same-universe fontcest. I'm not flexible enough to multiship, so please don't intentionally show me pairings that split up the brothers. Please remember to tag your work so people can find or avoid it as they like!

▶ But why fontcest???
Even though I need them to be brothers, I don't think I explicitly have an incest fetish. There are very few incestuous pairings that I enjoy, and the majority of them actually make me uncomfortable. I can't really explain why I love this pairing so much. I don't understand it, but papysans is something that makes me smile when I think of it. It's become my comfort pairing? Is that a term? I think of them leaning on each-other's shoulders and I feel better.
I've tried to look at other pairings favorably ever since they became popular, but I just can't enjoy them for some reason. They usually make me sad, too, since I've become so attached to papysans.

▶ Character names
I don't know how I feel about the nicknames for AU characters. They're certainly useful for crossovers where they have to differentiate between themselves, but I don't care for most crossovers. If it's sticking within the same universe, it doesn't make much sense for them to call each-other anything besides "Sans" and "Papyrus" unless it's specifically a nickname between the two of them.
But for using it on the outside, as a person referring to characters, I inconsistently use those nicknames since they're not exactly universally agreed upon, and sometimes someone adopted one of the names for their own sub-AU or something... (UF!Sans is... Red, Mustard, Cherry? But SFR!Sans is also Cherry, or Razz, or Black, or Rotten...?) I don't know how they're all separated these days, if they are at all, so I'll probably just fall back on Old Person lingo and do the whole exclamation point thing.

▶ Why 20 instead of 18?
The legal age for participating in adult content varies by country, state and province. 20 is the highest general one, and I'm just trying to be on the safe side. It's 18 where I live, so if it's also 18 (or 19) where you live, being below 20 is fine as long as you're still 18↑.

▶ Use your prompts?
If any of my silly little thoughts inspire you, please use them. I can't write much, so those prompts/imagines will do nothing but sit there. If the same prompt inspires more than one person... then let there be as many cakes as everyone wants to bake!

▶ How to filter out retweets
In case of "I've seen all of this amazing art already! There's too much SUPER COOL art to scroll through."
Use the search function instead!

▶ Post-Script
Please recommend to me more creators to follow. Whether they're on Twitter, Tumblr, Bluesky, Pillowfort, Pixiv, or whatever other platform pops up. Whether they've just begun drawing or they've been drawing for decades, whether it's their first fanfic or their 1000th, as long as they're adults.
When my budget is out of the red, I want to ask where to buy doujins, too.


プロフ更新日2024/01/25 01:06 プロフ作成日2022/12/11 10:26
API更新日2024/05/10 02:43 API更新予定2024/05/10 03:43