
💜蒼井翔太💜ラボメン💜江口拓也💜天城成海💜水無月涙💜バンやろ🤟💜ENG/FIL/日本語OK!誤字いっぱいあるけどw💜無言フォローすみません💜header: @asanouran💜推しと一緒に走りたいから生きていく✨💜














他のアーティストは、BIGBANGとONE OK ROCKの音楽もファンです!

✔20170814 アッパレIlluminight Expo
✔20180630 A☆happy.lab Party 2018 5xTrajectory
✔️20190209 2019 WONDER.lab I 東京公演
✔️20190217 2019 WONDER.lab I 大阪Day2公演
✔️20191006 A☆happy.lab Party 2019 Boo! Boo! Baa! 昼夜公演
✔️20200112 ウェストサイドストーリー日本版Season 1 昼公演
✔️20200113 ウェストサイドストーリー日本版Season 1 大千秋楽

✔20200502 2020 WONDER.lab DIMENSION 川崎初日公演 (中止)
✔20200503 2020 WONDER.lab DIMENSION 川崎Day2公演 (中止)
✔20200810 2020 WONDER.lab DIMENSION+ 東京追加公演


✔ダイナミックコァド:apple polisher
✔Blackish House sideZ



Hi, I'm Aoi. I'm mainly an Aoi Shouta fan who tweets about him 90% of the time, the remaining 10% is a mix of daily adulting rants and other seiyuus and animes/mobages/random music recs.

I am not a translator but I do understand Japanese here and therr so most of the times I end up talking about a lot of things about Shouta which i pick up from different contents that he appears in like radio, streams, concerts and live events. However, I never post video clips nor screencaps/any picture of him from these materials(including selfies) to comply with the no-repost rule requested by Shouta himself back in 2018. I sometimes post no video radio clips with English captions though. In line with this I would also request people to refrain from reposting his pictures/videos/images to respect his wishes.
Though, i'd love for everyone to also talk to me about these things i end up "oversharing" about him😂 I love talking to fellow fans even non-fans and hear their reactions abt his antics ww

I'm from the Philippines (i'm not japanese). Please feel free to tweet or talk to me in English or Tagalog. I also tweet in Japanese since I also have japanese friends on here. I tweet in a mess of typos regardless of language though so I'm so sorry in advance lmao 😂

I sometimes get overpossessive with the color. I dont 同担拒否 when it comes to oshis but i am a bit like that when it comes to purple😂 but dw i won't fight you or anything it's just that inside me i just am not fond of sharing that color but i keep to myself www

Other random things I love are ribbons and eggs. I love runny eggs and scrambled eggs actually i just love eggs i post vids of runny eggs sometimes😂

I love music. Recently, besides Shouta's music I also got hooked with Flower's songs. I also love LOVE BanYaro's music so much all their songs are timeless for me.

Before Shouta i loved Eguchi Takuya, and I love how Egu is such a hoe for Shouta😂 i dont ship ppl anymore but i feel so much giddiness when i see em together ww

I'm also weak for Sakurai Takahiro's charas and voice.

I sometimes go to japan for Shouta's revents, specifically for WonderLAB and fanclub events. Ah yes i'm a member of his official fanclub.

I love looking at fanarts of my faves so i always follow fanart accts.

I play some mobages (see list on jp version above. Lemme know if yall wanna add me!

Despite looking like I only like Shouta and nothing else, i actually like a lot of other things. I've been watching animes since i was a kid in the 90's, and have always loved anime osts. I also do not hate nor dislike any seiyuu, I generally like all of them, though i tend to lean and know more of the older and veteran seiyuus than the newer and younger ones. I usually can only invest time and braincells in watching events that has Shouta in them, mainly coz there is A LOT OF SHIT HE APPEARS IN I CAN BARELY KEEP UP lmao so it's not like i dont like watching other events. I just have a life outside of fandom as well 😂

In relation to that i did say i love talking to ppl here on SNS but recently irl stuff like work a d stuff i do outside work also takes a lot of my braincells not just time so there may be times i reply super late and im so sorry for that but trust that i will always reply no matter what! If i missed replying to you it's not that i ignore you completely it's just that it's most probably i forgot to reply or twitter didnt show your reply on my mentions. But never on purpose. Sometimes i just leave a like on replies too so really it doesnt mean im ignoring 😅

Just to get it out there, I dont follow people back as soon as people follow me. This is partly due to me not noticing follower notifications, and I will admit I am a picky follower because I avoid seeing petty discourse and getting my TL flooded with stuff I rather not see. I'm so sorry though but it's coz i personally believe we are personally responsible as to what we want to see online. However as I mentioned, i love to see people reacting to my shitposts about Shouta so feel free to talk to me and just be random even if I dont follow back! And i usually follow back people who seem to be really funny and can hold dumb random convos with me not just abt shouta but about a lot of other things too! I love seeing funny stuff in my TL so i follow back ppl who has the same humor as me, regardless of who or what your main fandom is.

In relation to that, sometimes i mute mutuals too but only if i see too much negativity, discourse or SJW stuff from them even RTs. Like i said i just want my tl to be filled with fun random stuff only, as I use twitter to escape from real life stressors, but that doesnt mean anything personal. It's my way of self-care as well.

I rarely comment on societal issues/current events/political stuff because i personally dont like talking about them. Doesnt mean i dont care but after years of being here in SNS, i dont have time nor energy to get into discourse and arguments or debates. I use SNS as a form of entertainment not a platform for my opinions on such things. Simple as that.

Feel free to unfollow me anytime you want, though i strongly suggest to please read this thru first before following me and avoid me/do not follow me if you disagree with anything ive written here. In cases of unfollowing tho if we're mutuals i'd request to please block or softblock me. I dont need explanations or heads up so feel free. At this age I've already learned that people come and go and that's okay.

I dont block people unless ive mistaken ur acct to be spam acct or we've clearly had severe arguments (even then i'd usually softblock or just mute) or my fingers got dumb or twitter is shitting on me, so if u see suddenly that i blocked u esp if we were mutuals, feel free to dm me (?) Or have my friends to nudge me coz it's most probably just a misblock.

anyways that's about it! Sorry for the long post but thank you for reading up to here!😊💜🙆‍♀️


プロフ更新日2020/05/17 10:03 プロフ作成日2017/07/19 20:42
API更新日2025/03/07 15:38 API更新予定2025/03/07 16:38