
Hello! This is a Sorey self care bot sending you regular reminders to take care of yourself physically and emotionally!
Will reply @ s manually!


This is a bot account! Will reply to @s manually, but this bot updates automatically by the hour!
DMs and CuriousCat is open for anyone who would like someone to listen to them or need advice! Feel free to address them to Sorey or Mod, whoever you want to get back to you!

Here are some automated replies that Sorey will respond to automatically:
[Take care to make sure the message looks THE SAME as it is listed here, or he might not respond!]

Can I have a hug?
I'm off to class!
I'm off to work!
I'm heading out!
I'm home!
Good morning, Sorey!
How are you?
I'm great too!
I'm not doing too well, Sorey.
Good night.
Thank you!
I love you!
Wish me luck!

More will be added!

About the mod

The mod's identity shall remain a secret, but they are licensed for emergency mental health aid, if hotlines are busy, you can feel free to DM! However, they will only be checking curious cat and DMs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays!


プロフ更新日2016/11/14 16:54 プロフ作成日2016/11/14 16:50
API更新日2024/05/21 18:21 API更新予定2024/05/21 19:21