
シュー / ♀ / 腐 / 成人済み / カナダ人 /日本語おk i'm shoe and i translate things @ https://t.co/oDOul8r6zL!






後続→ 衛、昂輝、空の存在は地球の希望。衛昂/剣涼(組み合わせほぼ固定)、守空/宗空(サンド的に宗空守も好き)/宗廉/望廉、しきつば、くべるは家族です
Mマス→ 四季、蒼井兄弟、類、都築さんのために今日も強く生きています。CPは意外と雑食すぎてあんまり分からない(?)でもタケ隼、輝薫、巻咲はやっぱり好き
えーすり→ 太一と咲也は天使。天幸、臣太、丞紬、万紬
あんスタ→ 千秋、英智の幸せを願いたい。渉英、みどちあ、レオ司


hello did you stroll through the wall of jp text to get here, thank you friend

hi, i'm shoe! i'm female, 23, and live in bc, canada. my twitter is filled with me talking about the idols/cute boys who have tragically wrecked me, mainly tsukipro/enstars/sideM/a3!, but i also talk a lot about fgo/gbf/tourabu sometimes too. some more than others depending on what's going on currently FREE ME!!! i also do tls as you can see on my dw; it's been enstars for the past two and a half years but i've been trucking through ALIVE/tsukipro recently and it's consuming me dangerously

feel free to follow/remove/block at your own accord (though if we're friends i'd like you to give me a heads up for the last two so there'll be no misunderstandings)! i'm a little picky when it comes to who i follow but i'd still love to chat if you don't mind my social ineptitude! seriously i can barely keep a conversation going for more than a couple of lines but it's not you........... it's me failing to struggle against my habit of being a reclusive hermit

the only things i'm a little (or a lot) uncomfortable with are
- nsfw stuff (jp is ok but when it comes to en i bolt immediately)
- blatant character hate/negativity

i think i'm okay with anything else!


i've been playing since it first came out for android, and i love every character! you'll see no character hate from me, yikes. i'm a pretty casual player atm, but i've never missed the 4* ranking bonus!! i'm f2p (though i paid for dias once for band ensemble and during the summer sale all those years ago rip) and have tiered for the 5* ranking bonus in enough bloodbaths that it destroyed me. never forget

i don't have a solid placing when it comes to a favourite character ranking, but my top favourites include tsukasa, chiaki, eichi, and kaoru! i don't really have an absolute favourite unit because i really love everybody in their own way and they are all my children. i love my kids

i'm a dirty shipper too, of course!!! i'm partial to

- wataru/eichi and keito/eichi (and ot3 bc eichi loves them, they love eichi, it all works out)
- midori/chiaki
- leo/tsukasa and other tsukasa ships
- ritsu/mao
- kanata/kaoru and rei/kaoru
- subaru/hokuto
- kurou/keito

but i'm fond of most other ones as well! i'm allergic to enstars het because i love anzu-neki so much and she deserves much better than these nerds tbh (and i heard she has (a) girlfriend(s) in engirls?? nice) but i'm usually okay with ships involving her and the 2nd years (minus ritsu, i'm not even sorry for once). she and trickstar are my brotp, and anzu/subaru/hokuto ot3 is cute...? i think that's about it!

80% of everything after this is written in 2018 and therefore has a few more screws loose


A NEW CHALLENGER HAS APPEARED just kidding i'm not challenging anybody please don't fight me
a lot of things happened in 2017 and now ALIVE is keeping me and my tling motivation alive. growth is healing. soara is so bright. solids is embarrassing. quell is family. what did i do to deserve these shining children. they even age in real time too??? i was born in the same year as mamoru and tsubasa and shuu and eichi and???? holy heck

mamokou and kenryo saved my life. please let mamoru stay happy with his dude and his dudes i'll do anything


creeping since 2015 AND LOOK HOW FAR MY DUDES HAVE COME!!!!!!!!!! i love them. i love how i can't even call them all my kids bc a huge chunk of them are older than me. i love it

shiki is my special boy and i am hj's grandma. i cry kantoku tears every day. alte is destiny. maitaru is good civilization


i just dl'd it on a whim some spring day in 2017 and here we are

i'll punch the world for taichi. sakuya and tsumugi are angels. i keep yuki on my homescreen because almost everything he says is cold and harsh like canada during the winter


back during christmas 2016 i was so heartbroken i cried over romani every day for about two weeks

check your pendi

started during 3rd anni, aspiring waterlord what's varuna

grimm(s) notes--

id: 2FUDKa

please play this game and add me it's fun and chill and i'm lonely

i also like cardfight! vanguard (which would've gotten its own little blurb but what can i say other than MY KIDS), tourabu, sound horizon, natsume yuujinchou, fire emblem (7/9/10) and...... more


プロフ更新日2018/02/13 23:03 プロフ作成日2015/12/15 19:32
API更新日2024/05/17 20:09 API更新予定2024/05/17 21:09