[Take easy to send reply or message in English, Deutsch, по-Русски, and other languages. I'll try understanding your passages.]
Thanks for looking at my account page, I'm Kiino Uehiro.
(I'm sorry I'm not good at English: Thank you for your understanding.)
I draw my original characters.
My original characters are:
Kotohira Tanaka (called "KotoNee", Nee means older sister): who has flaxen hair.
Nodoka Tanaka: Who has black hair, She's younger sister of Kotohira.
And more...
Below link is the details.
[ http://kiino-uehiro.tumblr.com/Nodoka/ ]
You may NOT use any illustrations for reproduction, alteration, etc,
without permission.
There's a license at below link (written in Japanese).
You should read it if you wanna use.
[ http://morihima.webcrow.jp/circle/license.html ]