Hello, welcome to bandorimerch! Please read this first before proceeding
We're a rt and update account for bandori's official merch and fanmerch! This account's purpose is to help worldwide bandori fans who are interested in buying, selling, and trading bandori merch!
We are in no way affiliated with any bandori official accounts whatsoever but we're always open for corrections and questions on our merch update posts.
- tag this account on your sales post or dm it to us for a rt!
- you can have multiple sales post rted but if you made another seperate tweet for price updates, claimed merch, etc you can tag us again and we'll unrt the original post and rt the new one instead!
- you can ask us about merch-related questions but please do not ask it through a quote tweet as it will get buried under our other notifications. Feel free to DM, mention, or reply to a tweet with a question though!
- please be respectful and follow through payments!
- unless you're a locked account, please make your own sales post!
- fanmerch (doujins, zines, keychains, stickers, etc)
- request tweets (Ex. Looking to buy hagumi's rubber strap) it would be better if you add a picture of the merch you're looking for but please look through the rted tweets first though
- merch trade, please state who and what merch do you have and who are you looking for (Ex. Looking to trade eve's 3rd single CD bonus bromide with maya's)
- interest checks
- merch sales that can't be shipped internationally (please state where can you ship it to though!)
- bootlegs of official merch
- fanmerch that: has an official logo/art, is a stolen art from another artist, is a traced art, is NSFW
- account sales
- sales in a completely different language. (qrting and stating that you can't ship internationally is ok!)
We may add more rules in the future. Thank you for reading and have a nice day!