
idol boy fan tler | notifs = OFF 🔕| DMs = open | SEE DREAMWIDTH LINK FOR GUIDELINES


Hello hello, it's twitter user allegiantheart
(you can call me allie if you want)!

PLEASE read guidelines on my Dreamwidth
first!! Translation masterlist is on DW
as well:

This is my enst translation account.
I may occasionally livetweet depending
on the characters involved in a
particular story.

ArashiP, NaruSenaP, KnightsP
Other faves: Mika, Nagisa, Kaoru, Akiomi
...but I'll translate whatever strikes my fancy!

I do NOT currently take translation requests.

I am open to helping with proofreading!
I can proofread for both JP and EN. If you
have a story you would like help with, send
me a message on marshmallow (include a way
to contact you) and let me know it's a
proofreading request and we can work out
communication from there.
I will not publicly publish messages asking
for proofreading help.

Question Box:
(type your message, then click "おくる")


プロフ更新日2022/04/19 03:36 プロフ作成日2021/09/27 08:00
API更新日2024/07/02 07:00 API更新予定2024/07/02 08:00