
質問箱→ http://peing.net/ja/box


Hello!! From Yoruyuri, I'm Kyoko Toshino!!
This account is what Kyoko Toshino is imitated, and unofficial.So never request me perfect because the imitations are not perfect.
From now on i write my setting in Animation and commices. I am a stutend of Nanamori junior highshool, a female, 14 years age and a Rum Raisin Ice Cream person!!
The club!Goraku Department is constructed by me,and this account also hold unicuely Goraku Department of a group. But this group is died recently, so i am gonna make a new group again someday.
By the way, I speak fundamentally Japanese language, almost don't talk English language. Sorry.
I ain't a Right-wing nor a Left-wing. And I am not neutral in Japan.I am just a human who loves natural of Earth and universe



プロフ更新日2018/08/20 09:03 プロフ作成日2018/08/12 22:26
API更新日2018/08/22 00:34 API更新予定2018/08/22 01:34